الرئيسية موقف البلقاء اليوم Dr. Muhammad Bazbaz Al-Hyari .. Riptide

Dr. Muhammad Bazbaz Al-Hyari .. Riptide


البلقاء اليوم - Dr. Muhammad Bazbaz Al-Hyari


Regardless of any question marks about the political stance of Hamas and their leaders (after Ahmed Yassin ), Hamas remains the last stronghold for genuis resistance on the ground, spicialy after containing the Palestine Liberation Organization with the notorious Oslo Accords, while the attention of the Arab and Islamic world turned to their internal concerns, and Palestine issue is no longer practically concerns them in any way , and is not among their priorities, in addition the resistance alliance( plus turkey), the recent operation ( Al-Aqsa Flood) exposed their true nature, even to the public, while political elites have long been aware of their reality.

Hamas has kept the Palestinian issue alive through their individual and martyrdom operations and this was a constant source of concern for Israel (as well as the Palestinian National Authority) to the point that Israeli leaders expressed their wishes many times that the sea would swallow Gaza and get rid of it because of the worrying threat it poses to their security and stability.

The Al-Aqsa Flood operation of this magnitude, which Hamas conducted without coordination with any party, might indeed be an ill-considered venture that harmed both Hamas it self and the residents of Gaza, and embarrassed its neighbors and supporters,consequence of this operation were not carefully calculated in the short and long term.

While this operation achieving some gains, Military and political, but any way can't be compared with the significant humanitarian and material losses ,questioning its in sustainability and even survival in the realm of resistance.

It's indeed unfortunate, looking beyond emotions, I see that Hamas (from a realistic perspective of the balance of power on the ground) has given the occupation authorities sufficient justification and reasons to bring an end to itself, then if Hamas is eleminated, a crucial and almost final chapter of the Palestinian issue will be closed (on the foreseeable horizon) Based on the occupier's will and desires, as we know this occupier which endless supported by the West, led by America, and relying on Arab and Islamic weakness and dispersion, which Israel was fortunate in and a major contributor to this situation.

Simply the outlined scenario After dealing with Hamas and containment of the Palestinian National Authority, israel will swiftly assess the situation and organize its internal dynamics, this creates a historical opportunity for israel to bring frozen plans from drawers into actions ( even add new ones), further more there will be a strong motivation to seek more Western (and even Arab) support along with pursuing more normalization efforts, whether through consent, or coercion.

As for what is most dangerous of all, if Israel pursues expansionist plans outside historical Palestine, unvilling its intentions, espicially considering occasional unofficial leaks, there is a legitimate fear that jordan could be among their priorities , not necessarily geographical expantion, but first byimplementing displacement and altenative homland plans .

The urgency in Jordan's call for all state institutions to unite, spaning official, civil and popular sectors to support and rally around the leadership to get out of this impasse, and we call for an extraordinary white revolution preparing for the upcoming phase, underscores the necessity for more cohesion, strengthening the internal front and activating Arab cooperation at all levels, and by the way,this is not for mere rhetoric , it's crucial for existence and continuity here in jordan.

Muhammad Bazbaz Al-Hyari

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البلقاء اليوم بالارقام

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