الأربعاء ,26 مارس, 2025 م
الرئيسية لك سيدتي اختيار الاردنية الدكتوره ديما محمد الحديدي ضمن أفضل نساء كندا في مجال أمن الحاسوب

اختيار الاردنية الدكتوره ديما محمد الحديدي ضمن أفضل نساء كندا في مجال أمن الحاسوب


البلقاء اليوم - البلقاء اليوم ----السلط --معاذ عصفور
تم في كندا اختيار الأردنية الدكتورة ديما محمد الحديدي ضمن أفضل نساء كندا في مجال أمن الحاسوب

يذكر ان الدكتوره الحديدي هي من مواليد مدينة السلط وتعمل في

Assistant Professor في جامعة
University of Windsor
وتخرجت من جامعة Concordia University
تخصص PhD Computer Science and Software Engineering

الخبر باللغة الانجليزية :

Dima Alhadidi, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor
Our next honouree, Dima Alhadidi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Windsor. Alhadidi has multiple refereed research articles published in top-tier conferences and journals, as well as a book on “Aspect-Oriented Security Hardening of UML Design Models” (Springer, 2015).

Dr. Alhadidi received her PhD from Concordia University and was the Engineering and Computer Science Convocation Valedictorian in 2010. Her PhD work involved security evaluation and hardening of open-source software funded by the Department of National Defense, Bell Canada, the DND/NSERC Research Partnership Program, and Concordia University. She is the winner of the Doctoral Thesis Completion Award (2009). As a post-doc, Alhadidi worked on model-based engineering of secure software and systems funded by NSERC, Ericsson Canada, Prompt Quebec, and Concordia University. She received the NSERC Discovery grant and early-career researcher supplement to conduct research on privacy-preserving machine learning techniques.

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